Funny Godzilla Pictures King Kong Funny

WARNING: Spoilers Off


  • Mark's line where he states that Godzilla is hurting people much to everyone's confusion. If one listens closely, the vocal for the music in the trailer can be heard exclaiming "yeah!" It almost sounds like the singer is actually agreeing with Mark's comment.
  • The American trailer shows Kong punching Godzilla and shoving him off the boat. Amusingly, the Japanese trailer instead shows a clip of Godzilla returning the punch with a bitch-slap to the face that sends Kong flying. It's hilariously almost like a Take That! given its country of origin.
  • Kong jumping Godzilla from above and faceplanting him into a skyscraper.
  • Godzilla and Kong roaring into each other's faces has a bit of Narm Charm giving the impression of the two trading insults in monster-speak (and also fueling the "Save MOTHRA!" jokes that spawned from memes.)


  • So how does Kong, lord of all primates and rival challenger to the King of the Monsters himself, start his day? Same way most of us do: waking up with a stretch and a yawn, taking a shower and scratching his butt.
    • He then calmly grabs a tree, removes its leaves, walks over to meet up with Jia... And promptly chucks the tree into Monarch's base dome; as if complaining to Monarch about the place or calling their bluff of the fake environment he's in showing he isn't fooled by it one bit.
  • Jia uses sign language to describe Lind as a coward, which Ilene says means "brave" in Iwi language. Later in the film, Lind, not knowing what the sign means, tells Jia that she's being very brave while making the sign for coward. Jia and Ilene share a small giggle.
  • After the redacted text in the credits of the predecessor were somewhat coherent, this time every single line is a joke:

    Decades of research into ancient stories leads to A LEGENDARY PICTURES PRODUCTION
    The history of titan wars will be explored in A FILM BY ADAM WINGARD that sheds light on previously hidden truths
    There are many factors including advancements in technology and DEMIAN BICHIR
    The monster's sounds are compared to MUSIC BY TOM HOLKENBORG
    Working from skeletal remains, COSTUME DESIGNER ANN FOLEY fleshes out renderings of monsters' appearance
    Evidence is plentiful but a cover STORY BY authorities seeks to protect TERRY ROSSIO AND MICHAEL DOUGHERTY and implicate underground groups & ZACH SHIELDS in the recent increase in titan activity
    The reality is stranger than anything in a SCREENPLAY BY a raving lunatic, and makes ERIC PEARSON AND MAX BORENSTEIN seem credible by comparison

  • Bernie Hayes is not a misunderstood investigative genius. He is a crazy Conspiracy Theorist who just happens to be right about the one plot-relevant conspiracy. Any time he goes off about others is bound to bring some chuckles.
    • His theory that Ghidorah possesses telepathy because "his necks are so long that the three heads need it to communicate". Even though in KOTM they communicate just fine by good old bickering.
    • The first may just be a case of Obfuscating Stupidity (and/or Obfuscating Insanity). He drives off a guy at a computer terminal by being as annoying as possible, starting by shouting at him not to eat an apple because all the GMOs will make him grow a second head. Bernie eats the apple himself as he hacks into Apex's files.
    • Madison and Josh track him through his purchases of an insane amount of bleach because he showers with it to clean off the invisible UV spy dust.
      • Even better; while they're tracking him down, asking about buying huge amounts of bleach, one unhappy clerk grumbles about stupid internet "challenges", with a clear reference to eating Tide Pods. Even in a world where kaiju and the Hollow Earth are very much real-world phenomena, some things never change.
    • Once Madison and Josh arrive at Bernie's place, he tries VERY hard to not sound like himself with a comically fake accent and threatens to call the authorities. Neither Madison nor Josh are remotely convinced by the accent or the threat, with the former pointing out that Bernie distrusts the authorities. He only lets them in once Madison reveals herself as Mark and Emma Russell's daughter.
    • He vets Madison and Josh by asking "Tap or no tap?" Madison knows the answer: don't drink tap water because they put fluoride in it to make you docile, just like Those Wacky Nazis did. (Josh admits he drinks tap water, to which Bernie replies that he figured that, but since Madison clearly does the thinking between the two of them, that's not a dealbreaker. Thereafter, Josh's Crazy Conspiracy Commando nickname is "Tap Water.")
    • Bernie claims to know the way out of Apex's Hong Kong facility despite never having been there. How? "The lizard people build all their facilities the same way."
    • Bernie gathers information on his in a mid-2000s flip phone that lets out loud "clicks" when he takes photos.
    • Really, just the fact that in a world where Godzilla can fight King @#%$ing Kong, the conspiracy theorist who believes in lizard people and UV spy dust is still thought to be a crazy nutjob.
  • In a novelization scene that wasn't in the film, some of the questions that reporters badger Mark Russell with after Godzilla's attack on Pensacola are laughably hilarious.
  • Kong shoving a whole hand full of fish into his mouth and messily chewing it with a big grin. All together now: "That's alotta fish!".
  • Right before Godzilla fires his atomic breath from underwater, Kong looks down and sees the light from under the water... and suddenly has one very hilarious Oh, Crap! face before jumping off the aircraft carrier.
  • The very idea of Kong wielding an axe made from a Godzilla dorsal spine may count just by the sheer ultimate Moment of Awesome of it all.
  • After Kong beheads one of the Warbats, he takes a bite from inside the creature's head as if to add insult to injury to his defeated foe, leading to Nathan and Maia's grossed out reactions.
    • To make this context even more hilarious, Kong munching on the already torn off nape of the beast is fittingly and humorously accurate since Warbat also happens to be the name of an Arabic pastry.
  • While running through the Hollow Earth's ecosystem, Kong disturbs a group of Arachno-Claws hiding in the ground, which exposes them to a rather obese predatory Foetodon (Who the internet promptly named Doug), who then stares in what appears to be shock or curiosity at the sight of Kong.
  • Bernie, Madison, and Josh wind up discovering the giant chamber housing MechaGodzilla. After a brief pause, Bernie lets out a very sudden scream to make an echo, scaring the ever-loving crap out of Madison and Josh.

    Bernie: It's just so big, it's stupid!

  • While doubling as Nightmare Fuel showing Ren Serizawa's Sanity Slippage, his expression while using MechaGodzilla to torch a hapless Skullcrawler can also count for Narm given how he's enjoying it almost too much.
    • Ren using Mechagodzilla to kill the test subject Skullcrawler by blasting its head off? Not funny. Him then having Mecha G bisect the Skullcrawler lengthways just to be cruel about it? Hysterical.
    • There's also a bit of meta humor in the fact that this is essentially King Ghidorah (Godzilla's archenemy) defeating a Skull Devil (Kong's archenemy).
  • A big reveal in the film is that the reason for Godzilla's sudden aggression is him sensing Ghidorah's continued presence: because as it turns out, one of Ghidorah's brains is still alive and is being used as a controlling mechanism for MechaGodzilla. And which brain does it happen to be? Kevin the left head, known for his dimwitted antics in the previous film. Becomes less funny, however, once we see MechaGodzilla in action: Kevin sure changed a lot after becoming MechaGodzilla.
    • In a Black Comedy sense, MechaGodzilla's demise via decapitation, which the left head had suffered twice in the last film. One can just imagine Kevin going "Oh, No... Not Again!" as Kong goes in for the kill.
    • Then there's the fact that Apex thought it was a phenomenally good idea to use the BRAIN OF KING GHIDORAH to pilot MechaGodzilla. What could possibly go wrong?
    • Godzilla's no nonsense behavior in attacking Apex suddenly takes on a whole new tone: "Goddammit, how many times are you morons gonna make me put this asshole down?!?"
    • Apex has multiple worldwide locations where they've been testing and assembling Mechagodzilla. As Godzilla trashes the sites searching, one can imagine Big G's internal Grumpy Old Man being "Dammit! It's not here either!" and that by the time he encounters Kong at sea, he's so frustrated that he attacks Kong purely for stress relief!
  • Kong roaring back at Godzilla when he's pinned him underfoot is equal parts awesome and hilarious, almost as if Kong was tired of the fights happening and was telling Godzilla to go fuck himself one last time even when nearly dead from his assault. Godzilla leaving him to die of his injuries could also be seen as Godzilla deciding that he's had enough of this shit too and walk away to find the remains of Ghidorah.
  • Though Godzilla went out of his way (literally, they were evading his normal territorial routes) to attack Kong in the ocean, the Hong Kong fight may not have been intentionally instigated by Godzilla, despite him burning an Atomic Breath tunnel to the Hollow Earth straight to Kong and destroying his ancestor's temple. Godzilla sensed MechaGodzilla powering up with Hollow Earth energy... maybe this was Godzilla trying to yell at Kong for having just made a colossal mistake, too bad he absolutely sucks at communicating his intent and things go to hell for both of them afterwards.
  • In a sense of Black Comedy, the way MechaGodzilla throws Godzilla around in the final battle looks almost like a playground bully in kindergarten, especially as Godzilla's attempts to appear dominant fall flat because Mecha G does not wastes his time responding to them and instead busts out the big Godzilla countering guns: Roaring and charging at full speed? Godzilla gets a missile buffet for his troubles; fight tooth and nail? He gets some good old left and right hook punches in the gills for that; try to use his classic atomic breath? Mecha G uses his own beam attack and overpowers it. Especially considering that it can be seen as Laser-Guided Karma for his near-killings of Kong which in addition to making an unnecessary enemy also left Godzilla too exhausted from hunting down Kong and leaving him in no shape to even fight back properly against the mechanical behemoth.
    • There's also one shot where Mecha G is smashing Godzilla's face into buildings...from the camera perspective from inside an office, and with each smash, the swivel chairs in the office just spin a little. Until Mecha G smashes Godzilla's face into that office.
    • At some points Mechagodzilla literally mops the floor with Godzilla, dragging him around Hong Kong through the ground with its jet thrusters like a dog dragging its toy through the ground while playing.
    • Seeing as how Godzilla's go-to move in the last movie was to grab a Ghidorah head (usually Kevin) and slam it into the ground, it's easy to imagine that Ghidorah's getting some revenge and saying "HOW! DO YOU! LIKE IT!?"
    • One can only imagine that Godzilla is thinking; "Getting beaten down by Kevin of all people. How degrading. I hope Rodan doesn't hear about this!"
  • When Godzilla first sees MechaGodzilla, he charges: and by charges, he straight-up sprints toward Mecha G at a speed unlike ever before. His high-speed charge at Ghidorah in the last film doesn't even compare. To make things funnier, this doesn't leads to an epic moment for Godzilla as he eats a whole barrage of anti-Titan missiles head on for his troubles and subsequently finds himself completely demolished in the ensuing fight. You could say Godzilla had a really bungled Kaiju fight version of a Failed Attempt at Drama.
  • When Kong comes to help Godzilla out to battle MechaGodzilla, at one moment the 2 beasts begin to grapple both of the robot's arms. Kong, like what he did to Godzilla earlier, pulls off another wrestling maneuver by climbing onto Mecha G's left shoulder and delivers a swift kick to his metal jaw... which accidentally opens his missile hatch and fires them directly at Godzilla again. From the looks at it, it almost seemed like Kong did that on purpose as if he's still miffed from the beatdown he went through.
    • Another humorous moment is right after that, MechaGodzilla abruptly just chucks Kong to the ground. It's pretty much his non-verbal equivalent of yelling "get off me!" Or he's more or less likely thinking "I'm busy! I'll kill you later!"
  • The fact that despite all his unstoppable power, able to overpower the combined might of Godzilla and Kong, MechaGodzilla is ultimately undone by Josh dumping a bottle of liquor on his control panel, causing him to briefly short-circuit. Remember kids, alcohol is bad for you.
    • Also Bernie's reaction to Josh dumping his drink into the computer.


    • It's kinda funny when you realize that a whole point about Team Godzilla's journey from Florida to Hong Kong is only to pour alcohol on a computer.
  • In a pure Mythology Gag moment, Kong again shoves something down Godzilla's mouth against his will, this time being his axe hilt rather than a tree. Godzilla takes it just as well as the last time. Godzilla's growls of surprise and annoyance cement it.
  • During the battle of Hong Kong, Godzilla manages to get a hit on Kong with his atomic breath. Godzilla appears to have a grin plastered on his face, as if saying "gotcha."
  • Kong's face when Jia tells him that Godzilla isn't his enemy now - as he looks over to see MechaGodzilla utterly beating the crap out of Godzilla. He seems to sigh, as if he's thinking "Oh, COME ON. I just got my chest stomped in, now I have to deal with that thing?!"
    • Alternatively, considering that MechaGodzilla was built to look like Godzilla, Kong may be thinking "Great, now there's TWO of them."
    • Alternatively again, Kong's internal response to Jia may be; " Oh, you say he's not the enemy? My slashed chest, dislocated arm, what I'm pretty sure are multiple concussions, and oh yeah, recent heart failure say differently!!"
    • There's also Kong's immediate reaction to learning Godzilla isn't the enemy. He seems to scream out in frustration, as if realizing that he almost got killed fighting the King of the Monsters for nothing. Or maybe frustrated he has to save the Kaiju that's almost killed him twice on purpose, perhaps even feeling like rolling his eyes at the sheer irony.
    • When he does save Godzilla, the latter is actually baffled by the sight of Kong saving him at the absolute last minute from getting fried from the inside-out; perhaps in disbelief that Kong would even save him after everything that happened between the two.
    • There's also the likely possibility that Kong took his time in going help Godzilla, just so Godzilla could get more of a beatdown as revenge for their earlier fights, "Fine, I'll help him... AFTER he gets shoved through another two buildings."
  • After finally defeating MechaGodzilla, Kong goes and slumps down next to a building, exhausted. He has the same energy as a drunk guy just having come out of a bar fight. You can almost hear him say "Okay, great work everyone. Just give me five minutes, okay?"
  • When Team Godzilla is reunited with Mark at the end, Josh gets his priorities in order.

    Josh: Hi, um... that was... Madison's idea.
    Mark: ... shut up, Josh.

  • After turning on Team Kong, while attempting to flee Maia and Apex actually open fire on Kong, who roars in surprise, then grabs hold of the craft they're in and peer in. The utter look of "Oh Shit" on Maia's face seals the deal seconds before Kong crushes the craft in his hand, with what only can be described as a look of "oh please."
  • Team Kong emerges from the Hollow Earth following Kong...and end up right in the middle of Godzilla and Kong's fight. Their reaction is exactly what you would expect.
  • Just the visual of MechaGodzilla sneaking up on Walter as the guy is evil monologuing to Team Godzilla. By the time Walter finds out, the only thing he manages to utter is "Oh Shit" before the big guy just slaps him out of existence.
    • The fact that the guards holding the team at gunpoint are slowly backing away as well, and that nobody thinks to inform their boss of the massive murder machine silently getting closer.
    • Afterward, Bernie quips that he was enjoying Walter's villainous monologue and regrets not getting to hear the rest of it.
  • After he briefly downs Kong and dislocates his shoulder, Godzilla charges at the injured primate, but Kong still moves out of the way fast enough that Godzilla only manages to get his head stuck in the nearby building for a moment.
  • The fights in general are pure Showa-era wrestling bullshit. Highlights include Kong dropkicking Godzilla, Godzilla performing a literal reversal on Kong, and the pair of them tag-teaming MechaGodzilla to throw him to the ground through a building. One half expects a cheering crowd during these battles.
    • As MechaGodzilla is being thrown through the building, it makes a noise that sounds a lot like an "Ow!"
  • When Kong is trying to pull his axe from a building in the second battle we're treated to a shot inside a high-rise restaurant as all the patrons jump up and run off screaming. Keep in mind this is nearby the Hollow Earth tunnel Godzilla just got done excavating. Apparently Godzilla stomping through downtown is nothing more than some nice dinner entertainment.


  • One of Adam Wingard's motives to be the director of this film? Because in second grade he was arguing with his friend about definitive winner in a fight between Godzilla and King Kong.


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